

Qwiki is a Bizcloud framework artifact designed to create and present collections of Google Docs as navigable online documentation. This easy-to-use application is ideal for user guides, how-to references, and any other type of documentation you wish to share online. Qwiki topics can also be embedded in your websites.

Qwikis are organized into bundles, books, chapters, and topics. The Qwiki user interface offers various navigation options, including next/previous chapter or topic buttons, a table of contents menu, embedded hyperlinks, and links to other books. These features help users find and jump to the content they need. Additionally, users can easily search Qwiki content for specific keywords.

This document, the one you are viewing, is a page in a Qwiki designed to guide you in composing and using Qwikis effectively.

Qwikis are created by installing the Qwiki application on a server and creating a Qwiki template in a Bizcloud-controlled workspace using the Bizcloud framework's Universal UI (Uni-UI or "back office"). Topic content is created in Google Docs and then linked to the Qwiki template. For more details, see How it Works.