Creating a Qwiki

Qwiki Installation

Qwiki is a simple web application that presents a collection of Google documents in an organized and easily editable format. The application runs on PHP and uses a JSON document containing information about the Google Documents and their presentation arrangement. Before installing Qwiki, you need to create a Qwiki bundle template in your designated Bizcloud workspace, from which you can obtain an installation token, bundle ID, and workspace ID. These details must be included in the qwiki.ini.php file during the installation process (you do not have to define the complete structure of the Qwiki template to proceed with the installation; you only need the bundle id and token to complete the ini file). Refer to Qwiki Templates for more information.

To install Qwiki, you need a PHP-enabled server. Create a Qwiki root folder and subfolders on the designated PHP server that will contain the Qwiki app and other required resources. Multiple Qwikis can be installed on the same server, but must all be installed at the root of the domain (e.g.,,, etc.). Download the  Qwiki Installer from the repository, extract the ZIP file, and copy the following files and folders to the root folder:

  1. index.php (entry point and controller)
  2. install.php (for configuring the application)
  3. qwiki.ini.php (configuration file)
  4. simple_html_dom.php (HTML/XML parsing library)
  5. qwiki-core folder (contains core files and update script)

The installer zip file also contains an “update.php” file, which can be executed to fetch the latest updates from an online repository and replace the core files. Edit the qwiki.ini.php file with the following details from your Qwiki bundle template:

  1. host: URL of the Bizcloud host for the workspace that contains the Qwiki bundle template
  2. ws: ID of the Workspace that contains the Qwiki template (integer)
  3. id: Qwiki bundle template ID (integer)
  4. token: Installation token (provided in the bundle template)

Run install.php (e.g., to compile the JSON document and install Qwiki. Re-run install.php whenever changes are made to the Qwiki bundle.

To update the Qwiki core files, run the update script (e.g., when a new version is available.





Developer Notes